Carles Navarro

Learning to make Neural nets learn chemistry. 🧠🤖

  • Bio

    In the cosmic realms of computation, Carles Navarro was renowned as the maestro of deep neural networks. Trained in the arcane arts of chemistry, he ventured into the labyrinth of code, aspiring to become a software architect. With every epoch in his training cycle, he drew inspiration from the alchemical fusion of science and technology. As he delved deeper into the mysteries of physics and the intricacies of software engineering, the world watched in awe. Journey with him as he bridges the chasm between molecules and matrices, in a universe where science, software, and endless curiosity intertwine.


    2022 -
    Industrial PhD: Industrial PhD at Acellera Labs. Using Generative AI for drug discovery.
    2020 - 2022
    Msc Bioinformatics for the Health Sciences: Worked at Computational Science Laboratory with Gianni de Fabritiis. Differentiable Molecular Simulations for protein folding. Developed a new methodology for training a Graph Neural Network with simulations to learn the coarse-grained force field parameters.
    2019 -
    Bsc Physics: Studying physics for fun.
    2015 - 2019
    Bsc Chemistry: Discovered that I liked science but not wet labs. So now I try to do science with computers.


    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2023
    Carles Navarro, Maciej Majewski, Gianni de Fabritiis